How to be a supportive team member. eBook

NEW: Published October 6th 2023,
Subtitle: Practical guideline for creating wellbeing at work.
Short and simple: very clear suggestions to apply in your team. When working and going through stages like boredom, fresh parenting, a new role, stress due to long lasting illness, we all need support.
Fortunately, we all can give (learn how to give) support! As a manager, as the newest team member, as the CEO, it doesn't matter, everyone is able to do the job: create a good work place.
5 Steps to bring out the best out of your mentee and yourself. eBook

e-Book about Mentoring > 35,000 downloads
I'm sure you will become confident about your mentoring skills no matter what your mentoring situation is.
In school, business, artistic environment or at home, great mentors are needed everywhere.
My e-Book teaches you in 5 'clear steps' how you can create 'self confidence' and 'good communication'. Solution Focused Mentoring. 5 Steps to bring out the best in your Mentee and yourself.
Amazon: Solution Focused Mentoring. 5 Steps to bring out the best in your Mentee and yourself.